Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Once upon a December

        It's absolutely unbelievable how one single experience can completely change your vision in life. You realize how out of your hands life has been so far. And you dive, you dive in so deeply, that you can almost reach for the bottom. Then you see your reflexion and ask yourself why did you allow it to reach that course and did nothing? Turn the wheel around and head in the other direction. Memories keep flashing before your eyes, but you can't grab them, not a single one of them. Then you close your fists and your eyes so tightly, that you can almost feel the blood being pumped through your veins, thinking that maybe you could go back into the past and make it all differently,  make it matter. But there is nothing there and your fear grows so big, that it becomes palpable and you're about to let it consume you. 

         The anger starts crawling in, angry with yourself for having turned into someone you don't even recognize, you don't even want and you're ashamed of. And you realize they never left, they were still there, patiently waiting for you to remember them, to cherish their presence, their company,  their affection. Time elapses, but memories stay. Good deeds never vanish. A kiss on the forehead, a tight hug, loving eyes and a genuine smile. Touches roaming through your soul and whispers leaving unseen scars on your body. Earthly visions embrace your existence. 

   And you see the sparkle, the dew of happiness haunting you, making you love yourself and taking possession of all the beauty that lies inside yourself. The explosion could almost take your sight, you will not let anyone decide for you anymore. You will forever bounce on the rope of decisions and decide when to cut it or keep going. And you feel the relief, the power growing inside of you, the pride of your own road taken and the disappointment of the roads previously not taken. No more. No freaking more.
        You smile at yourself in the mirror because now you have it again, girl. The courage to shape your own future, to dare, to leave the comfort zone, to do extraordinary things because they are fit an extraordinary person, to strive for success and freaking attain it, to let society target other victims, to feel that you have the world at your feet because you walk boldly, confidently and genuinely happy through life. Your happiness does not depend on anyone but yourself. Make this life matter and don't let anyone interfere. 

        You think you can guess what others feel or want based on how people of a certain age, race, cultural space, sex etc. normally act. Most of the times, people get it all wrong, because they make assumptions of a you-projection. You mirror yourself in others and apply the filter of your own conscience. Instead, you should withdraw your attention from yourself when judging others and stop making rough guesses, see if what you imagined really matches reality. On the other way, the only influence you can have is on yourself. Once you keep struggling to understand or to change another person's behaviour or thoughts but your own, you will only put a brick to the wall of your own unhappiness.
    Your life is about pleasing yourself, about reaching your own goals, about treasuring the simple things in life, not about pleasing others.

     What is the kind of life that you want to lead? Do you want to lead it or be lead by it?  

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